

Dayton's Public Parks are maintained by the City of Dayton Public Works Staff.  If you observe a problem, please report it to the City at 503-864-2221. 
We appreciate your help in keeping our community safe and clean.

Los Parques Públicos de Dayton son mantenidos por el Personal de Obras Públicas de la Ciudad de Dayton. Si observa un problema, informe a la Ciudad al 503-864-2221. Agradecemos su ayuda para mantener nuestra comunidad segura y limpia.

    Located just across the Yamhill River from the Dayton Boat Landing and is accessible off Highway 18 and Kreder Road.

    A small park with an off-leash dog area, located on the east side of the Yamhill River in a peaceful rural setting with great views. The footbridge (closed pending repairs) lends a unique quality to the park that sits on the river's edge and is the perfect area for walking your dog, a quiet picnic or a family gathering.

    Ubicado al otro lado del río Yamhill desde Dayton Boat Landing y se puede acceder desde la autopista 18 y Kreder Road.

    Un pequeño parque con un área para perros sin correa, ubicado en el lado este del río Yamhill en un entorno rural tranquilo con excelentes vistas. El puente peatonal (cerrado en espera de reparaciones) le da una calidad única al parque que se encuentra en la orilla del río y es el área perfecta para pasear a su perro, un picnic tranquilo o una reunión familiar.

  • Courthouse Square Park
    Sometimes known as Dayton City Park, Courthouse Square Park is located in the heart of downtown Dayton. This wooded area is full of mementoes of the town's history and is the central gathering place for Dayton's community. The park covers one full city block and is the home of many events including the Dayton Friday Nights. The Park boasts a covered picnic area, bandstand, fountain, a new children's play ground area, basketball court and restrooms.

     Free Wi-Fi in the Park As part of the Dayton Friday Night series, Online NW is providing free of charge Wi-Fi service, as part of their commitment to the Dayton Community. 

    Online NW, in partnership with the Dayton community and the School District, launched Innovate Dayton, a strategic initiative to create new economic opportunity for the community.  As a critical piece of this initiative, Online NW built in Dayton the fastest internet network on the West Coast and put in place a profit sharing agreement to provide seed funding for new innovation projects. This fund is being used to help students working in the school's new i3 Center, one of the first centers of its kind in the United States.

    The Covered Picnic Area and Bandstand are available to reserve for your family reunion or special event. For more information, contact the City of Dayton at 503-864-2221. Check availability on the Courthouse Square Availability Calendar below. On-line requests can be made by clicking here.

    More commonly known as The Nature Trail, Palmer Creek Trail was adopted by Dayton High School's Future Farmers of America (FFA) as a greenway project to connect the school and city-owned land. Future plans are to extend the trail to the Dayton Boat Landing.

    Palmer Creek Trail is currently just over a mile long and runs along Palmer Creek. Enjoy a wilderness walking path with great views of Palmer Creek. It's a great way to exercise and see some of Oregon's natural habitat.

    Más comúnmente conocido como The Nature Trail, Palmer Creek Trail fue adoptado por Future Farmers of America (FFA) de Dayton High School como un proyecto de vía verde para conectar la escuela y la tierra propiedad de la ciudad. Los planes futuros son extender el sendero hasta Dayton Boat Landing.

    Palmer Creek Trail actualmente tiene poco más de una milla de largo y corre a lo largo de Palmer Creek. Disfrute de un sendero para caminar en la naturaleza con excelentes vistas de Palmer Creek. Es una excelente manera de hacer ejercicio y ver parte del hábitat natural de Oregón.

    On February 3, 2014 the Dayton City Council voted to officially change the name of 11th Street Park to Andrew Smith Park per a suggestion from Kathryn Windish. 

    Andrew Smith Park is located on the corner of 11th Street and Church Street in a peaceful residential area. This park is equipped with a children's play area that includes swings, a climbing rock, and a basketball court. The park also has new public restrooms. This neighborhood park offers local residents a place to relax and connect with their neighbors.

    El 3 de febrero de 2014, el Ayuntamiento de Dayton votó para cambiar oficialmente el nombre de 11th Street Park a Andrew Smith Park por sugerencia de Kathryn Windish.


    Andrew Smith Park está ubicado en la esquina de 11th Street y Church Street en una tranquila zona residencial. Este parque está equipado con un área de juegos para niños que incluye columpios, una roca para escalar y una cancha de baloncesto. El parque también cuenta con nuevos baños públicos. Este parque del vecindario ofrece a los residentes locales un lugar para relajarse y conectarse con sus vecinos.

  • Legion Field

    Legion Field is a full City Block in size and is located in the middle of Dayton between Church and Oak Streets and between 3rd and 4th Streets. Zoned for public use, this park is maintained by the City of Dayton.

    This City Park is co-owned by the City of Dayton and the Dayton School District.  It was the original site of the Dayton Grade School that was built around 1875 and was destroyed in a fire in the 1950's.

    Legion Field is currently used as a Baseball Field by local Junior and Midget Baseball Teams, with the baseball diamond maintained by volunteers during the baseball season.


    Park availability can be checked on the calendar below.  For more information regarding the use of Legion Field or to make a reservation to use the field, contact the City of Dayton at 503-864-2221, or stop by Dayton City Hall.  On-line requests can be made by clicking here.

    The Veterans Memorial was dedicated in a ceremony on Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 2:00 pm during the 6th annual Dayton Harvest Festival. The Memorial is located in front of the Dayton City Hall Annex at 408 Ferry St.  Several members of the local VFW (Don Hampton, Post 10626) were on hand to help celebrate the memorial dedication.
    This Memorial is one of the most significant veteran's memorial projects in the Yamhill County area and provides a visible presence of appreciation to those men and women who have served our country in the armed forces.

    El Veterans Memorial se inauguró en una ceremonia el sábado 8 de septiembre de 2012 a las 2:00 p. m. durante el sexto festival anual de la cosecha de Dayton. El Memorial está ubicado frente al Anexo del Ayuntamiento de Dayton en 408 Ferry St. Varios miembros del VFW local (Don Hampton, Post 10626) estuvieron presentes para ayudar a celebrar la dedicación del memorial.

    Este Memorial es uno de los proyectos conmemorativos de veteranos más importantes en el área del condado de Yamhill y brinda una presencia visible de agradecimiento a aquellos hombres y mujeres que han servido a nuestro país en las fuerzas armadas.

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Park Hours: Our parks are open for the use of the public thirty(30) minutes before sunrise and close thirty(30) minutes after sunset. 

Click here to read park rules.

Horario del parque: Nuestros parques están abiertos para el uso del público treinta (30) minutos antes del amanecer y cierran treinta (30) minutos después del atardecer.

Haga clic aquí para leer las reglas del parque.

Located five miles upstream from the Willamette River at the confluence of the Yamhill River and Palmer Creek, this 1.4-acre county park has a small boat ramp and ample parking. A footbridge connects Dayton Landing to the City of Dayton's Alderman Park, across the Yamhill.



Publishers Paper Company generously donated the city lots that became Dayton Landing to Yamhill County in 1966.


Dayton Boat Landing is owned and maintained by Yamhill County Parks. For more information on the Dayton Boat Landing and Park, click here.

Ubicado cinco millas río arriba del río Willamette en la confluencia del río Yamhill y Palmer Creek, este parque del condado de 1.4 acres tiene una pequeña rampa para botes y un amplio estacionamiento. Un puente peatonal conecta Dayton Landing con Alderman Park de la ciudad de Dayton, al otro lado de Yamhill.


Publishers Paper Company donó generosamente los lotes de la ciudad que se convirtieron en Dayton Landing al condado de Yamhill en 1966.

Dayton Boat Landing es propiedad y está mantenido por Yamhill County Parks. Para obtener más información sobre Dayton Boat Landing and Park, haga clic aquí.
Yamhill River at the Boat Landing

All of Dayton's parks are non-smoking, non-vaping and/or tobacco free facilities.  

Smoking and the use of tobacco and tobacco type devices are prohibited in and around all Dayton Public Parks.  The Dayton City Council passed Ordinance 625 which prohibits smoking and tobacco use in all public parks as of June 1, 2015.  For more information see Section 2.10.2 of the Dayton Municipal Code.

Todos los parques de Dayton son instalaciones para no fumadores, no vapeadores y/o libres de tabaco.

Está prohibido fumar y el uso de tabaco y dispositivos relacionados con el tabaco en todos los parques públicos de Dayton y sus alrededores. El Ayuntamiento de Dayton aprobó la Ordenanza 625 que prohíbe fumar y el uso de tabaco en todos los parques públicos a partir del 1 de junio de 2015. Para obtener más información, consulte la Sección 2.10.2 del Código Municipal de Dayton.
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