• The City of Dayton adopted its current Transportation System Plan (TSP) in 2001. Today, we are working on updating the TSP, which will guide future development and investment in our transportation system to meet the needs of Dayton’s residents and the surrounding areas. This document will serve as a guide to help the City identify and prioritize the projects, policies, and programs that could receive funding over the next 20 years, and that will preserve and enhance the quality of life in Dayton.

    The updated TSP is funded by a grant from the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). The goal of the TGM program is to create thriving, livable places with diverse transportation choices.

Common Questions About Transportation System Plans (TSPs)

  • This project will result in an updated TSP document that describes existing transportation conditions, problems, needs, and goals. The TSP will suggest transportation projects, policies, and programs that are consistent with Dayton’s community values as represented in their Comprehensive Plan. Once this plan is adopted by the City Council, it will help address current travel problems and guide investment decisions to prepare for future travel needs.

    • The TSP will identify transportation strategies, but it will not directly result in specific projects being built until funding becomes available.
    • The TSP by itself is not intended to encourage growth, but it will include strategies to address potential challenges resulting from growth in the future.
    • A TSP cannot fix every problem or compel people to obey traffic laws. Some ideas for addressing existing transportation issues may not be practical or legally feasible under Oregon law.
    • The TSP helps the City understand current transportation issues, plan for future growth, and efficiently identify strategies to improve access, connectivity, and safety.
    • The TSP will guide policy decisions and direct how money is spent on new transportation projects and programs.
    • Having an approved TSP will allow the City to qualify for grants and transportation funding.
    • This is an opportunity for Dayton residents to protect their quality of life by shaping the future of their transportation system.
    • TSPs are required by Oregon land use laws, which are intended to encourage thoughtful growth.1

    [1] https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/tgm/pages/index.aspx

    • Public input will help the team to understand which needs and problems are perceived as the most urgent. The team will then collect data to assess the severity of these problems.
    • After identifying problems, the team will gather input on possible strategies and solutions, evaluate potential options, and share the findings. The public will be able to review the evaluation data and provide feedback on which solutions they think make the most sense and will be able to see how their feedback is being incorporated into the plan.
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Want to Get Involved?
Date Activity
October 23, 2024 PAC Meeting #1
February 3, 2025 "TSP 101"Presentation to
Dayton City Council
TBA - February, 2025 PAC Meeting #2

March 6, 2025 
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Palmer Creek Lodge
Community Events Center

Public Open House #1
(in-person and virtual)
TBA Planning Commission and
City Council Public Hearings
TBA Transportation Solutions Workshops


Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Members
Melissa Ahrens Regional Representative, Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLDC)
Jeremy Caudle City Manager, City of Dayton
Kitty Mackin
City Councilor, City of Dayton 
Jim Maguire City Councilor, City of Dayton
Denny Muchmore
City Engineer, City of Dayton
Katelyn Van Genderen Planning Commissioner, 
City of Dayton Planning Commission
Bret Putman
Chief, Dayton Fire District  
Dave Rucklos Tourism & Economic Development Director, City of Dayton
Steve Scott Vice President, 
McMinnville Properties
Judy Gerrard
Dayton Community Development Association (DCDA)
Efrain Arrendondo Dayton School District
Arielle Childress ODOT
Leia Kagawa ODOT
Jenna Berman
Dejan Dudich ODOT
Jamie Schmidt ODOT
Brandon Williams ODOT

Public Comments / Comentarios públicos

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Thank you for your participation in this project. / Gracias por su participación en este proyecto.