Building Permit Applications & Information

  • Building Permit Application

    Please include all information requested on the application. Incomplete applications will cause delays in the issuance of your permit. 
  • Type A Public Works Construction Permit Application

    No work shall begin in the Public right-of-way without first obtaining approval from the City of Dayton.

    Type A Construction Permits:

    Work for which a Type A Street/Utility Construction Permit is required shall include the following:

    a)  Any sidewalk or utility service improvements to serve a single residence, duplex or business for which public street or mainline utility improvements are not required, and that do not include parking lots, private streets, fire lanes or common use driveways other than for duplexes.

    b)  Utility work by franchise utility companies that does not require pavement cuts longitudinally along a street shall require a Type A permit.  Such work shall be exempt from permit fees to the extent provided by PWDS Section G.9(e).

    An improvement agreement and performance security is required for Type A Permits.

  • Type B Public Works Construction Permit Application

    No work shall begin in the Public right-of-way without first obtaining approval from the City of Dayton.

    Type B Construction Permits:

    Work for which a Type B Street/Utility Construction Permit is required shall include the following:

    a) Any street, sidewalk, or utility improvement to serve more than a single residence, duplex or business, or for which public street or mainline utility improvements are required (including fire hydrants), or that include parking lots, private streets, fire lanes or common use driveways other than for duplexes.

    b)  Installation of service laterals for multiple properties within a common trench, or installation of service lateral(s) across property other than that being served.

    c) Site Grading & Fills.  Projects that require site grading, filling or fill stockpiling operations associated with development of the property other than those operations directly associated with the construction of a structure for which a valid building permit has been issued by the City.

    Site grading, filling or fill stockpiling operations over existing public sanitary sewer, storm drain or water distribution lines, or such operations within existing or proposed public utility easements.

    d)  Private utility work by franchise utilities that requires pavement cuts longitudinally along a street shall require a Type B permit.  Such work shall be exempt form permit fees to the extent provided by PWDS G.9(e).

    If there are classes of work not specifically covered but that are included under the scope of the PWDS, the determination of the type of permit required shall be made by the City Manager after consultation with the Public Works Director and City Engineer.

  • Building Fees  -  Building fees begin on page 8 of the Dayton Fee Schedule

    Permit Fees are calculated by Building Department Staff members.  Please Do not send payments without consulting with a City of Dayton staff member first.

    System Development Charges (SDCs) are on page 18 of the Dayton Fee Schedule

    On April 7, 2008 the Dayton City Council adopted Resolution 07 /08-30, an intergovernmental agreement with the Dayton School District, for collection and remission of the Construction Excise Tax. 

    What you need to know: 

    • The City of Dayton collects the tax on all qualifying permits
    • Residential construction is assessed at $1.20 per/square foot for new construction or improvements that increase the total square footage
      • For example: A new residence of 2000 square feet the City will collect $2,400 ($1.20 per/square foot)
      • The Construction Excise Tax for residential construction is not limited
      • Attached garages and residential accessory structures are assessed at $.60 per/square foot 
      • Non-residential construction is assessed at $.60 per/square foot, up to a maximum of $29,900 
      • The Construction Excise Tax is collected when the building permit is issued 
      • Payment must be made via check or money order payable to Dayton School District #8
    • Private school Improvements 
    • Public Improvements as defined in ORS 279A.010 
      • Residential housing that is guaranteed to be affordable, under guidelines established by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, to the households that earn no more than 80% of the median household income for the area in which the construction tax is imposed, for a period of at least 60 years following the date of construction of the residential building 
    • Public or private hospital improvements
    • Improvements to religious facilities primarily used for worship or education associated with worship 
    • Agricultural building as defined in ORS 445.3 l 5(2)(a) 

    Please note - It is the applicants responsibility to prove that their construction meets the requirements for exemption from the excise tax. 

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Building Information

For more information contact the Dayton Building Department at 503-864-2221 or email us at
Building permits are not accepted without payment, therefore faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted.