Public Works

The Dayton Public Works Department is responsible for operations and maintenance of the City's buildings, parks, streets, stormwater system, wastewater system, and water system.

The City of Dayton has scheduled street sweeping for the first and third Tuesday of every month. Dayton residents are asked to park in their driveways and off the streets as much as possible on sweeping days so that the sweeper can get as much of the street as possible.


The Dayton Public Works Department is responsible for street maintenance. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Dayton Public Works at 503-864-2221.

ferry st

The City of Dayton provides drinking water services. If you have questions or concerns regarding the water system, please call City Hall at 503-864-2221.


Water Conservation Incentive Program

As an incentive for conserving water, the City of Dayton will continue to offer a $50.00 credit (per household) on utility bills for customers who show proof of purchase of new water saving devices.

Devices included in this program are water saving dishwashers, clothes washers, and 1.28 gallons per flush toilets.

Bring your receipt into Dayton City Hall and we will adjust your next water utility bill. Some devices may not apply. For more information contact City of Dayton at 503-864-2221 or stop by Dayton City Hall at 416 Ferry St, Dayton Oregon.


The City of Dayton provides wastewater (or sewer) services to residents and businesses within the City of Dayton. The City's wastewater system consists of mainlines throughout the City, 3 lift stations (Hwy 221 Bridge, Palmer Creek, and 9th Street), a Main Pump Station, and a Wastewater Lagoon Treatment Plant.


Wastewater System Facilities Plan - June 2012

Sewer Rates  -  (as of June 1, 2022)

 Single Family Residence $44.51
 Multi-Family Residence  $44.51 per unit
 Commercial  $41.51
 Churches, Lodges and Clubs   $44.51
 Hotels & Motels  $41.51 per room/unit
 Offices  $44.51
 All Others Contact the City of Dayton
Dayton's Parks are maintained by the City of Dayton Public Works Staff.  If you observe a problem, please report it to the City of Dayton at 503-864-2221.  We appreciate your help in keeping our community safe and clean. 
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  • The Public Works Supervisor manages staff workflow, prioritizes daily activities, and serves as the supervisor to other Public Works staff members. 

  • Maintenance Operators are responsible for the City's water and sewer maintenance and operations.  

  • Maintenance Operators are responsible for the City's water and sewer maintenance and operations.  

  • Maintenance Operators are responsible for the City's water and sewer maintenance and operations. 

  • Maintenance Workers are primarily 
    responsible for park and building maintenance. They also assist with water and wastewater issues.

Public Works can be reached at 503-864-2221.