Dayton’s TMDL Implementation Plan
The City of Dayton is a Designated Management Agency (DMA) as identified by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). As a DMA, the City of Dayton has authority over the sources of pollution entering the Yamhill River which contributes to water quality issues in the Willamette River. Waterways in Dayton include the Yamhill River, Palmer Creek, and other minor tributaries all of which contribute to the problem. The City must implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control pollution in these sources according to the Department of Environmental Quality.
DEQ requires many local governments to develop and implement a TMDL Implementation Plan. According to the federal Clean Water Act, Oregon is required to establish Total Maximum Daily Loads for streams segments which do not meet water quality standards. The TMDL identifies the level of pollutants that a water body can absorb and still meet water quality standards. TMDLs take into account pollution from all sources, including residential areas, businesses, industry, and construction sites.
In response to DEQ, the City has developed a TMDL Implementation Plan according to DEQ regulations. This document sets out specific BMPs that will address contributions of mercury to local waterways. Mercury is a toxic heavy metal. Bioaccumulation of mercury in fish tissue can lead to fish consumption limits due to health hazards associated with consuming fish. Waterways can become contaminated when soils that naturally contain mercury are eroded.
DEQ is interested and supports public involvement in these activities. The TMDL Implementation Plan is here for your review.
Click here to review our brochure on what you should know before you disturb soil in the City of Dayton.
See below for more ways to help keep Dayton's water clean.
Vea a continuación más formas de ayudar a mantener limpia el agua de Dayton.
As part of the City of Dayton's TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) implementation program, a special guest, Tommy the Trout, gave a presentation to Dayton's 3rd graders. He focused on how we can keep our rivers, lakes and streams clean for him and all other fish!
Como parte de la implementación del programa de Carga Máxima Total Diaria (TMDL siglas en ingles), el invitado especial, Tommy la Trucha, dio una presentación a los alumnos del 3er grado de la escuela primaria de Dayton. ¡Se enfocó en cómo podemos mantener nuestros ríos, lagos y corrientes para él y todos los demás peces!
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