Mary Gilkey City Library Policies

The Mary Gilkey City Library is a member of the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service (CCRLS), a consortium of public libraries serving Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties.

Políticas de la biblioteca de la ciudad de Mary Gilkey

La biblioteca de la ciudad de Mary Gilkey es miembro del Servicio Bibliotecario Regional Cooperativo de Chemeketa (CCRLS), un consorcio de bibliotecas públicas que prestan servicios en los condados de Marion, Polk y Yamhill.

Patron Responsibility

When becoming a library cardholder, the patron agrees to comply with the policies of each CCRLS member library and accepts the following responsibilities:

  • Library materials checked out are the sole responsibility of the patron whose card was used for checkout.
  • Patron agrees to return all borrowed items by the due date or pay overdue charges (if applicable).
  • Patron will pay replacement costs assessed for lost, un-returned, or damaged items.
  • Patron will not lend their card to others.
  • Patron will report changes in address, phone number, and email in a timely manner.
  • Patron will report lost or stolen cards.
  • Patron will obey the rules of behavior when visiting the library.
  • When signing for a card for a child under the age of 18, the patron accepts full responsibility for fines (if applicable) and other charges on the child’s card, lost or damaged items and accepts responsibility to monitor and approve the child’s choice of library materials and other information resources.

Patron Privacy

The CCRLS member libraries, CCRLS, Chemeketa Community College, and the staff at all these organizations jointly hold responsibility for the appropriate use, storage and destruction of sensitive personal information. Staff members, including non-paid volunteers, at CCRLS member institutions with access to patron records are legally responsible for protecting the privacy of our patrons by using information only when necessary to circulate material, for true health or safety purposes, or to otherwise assist patrons.  A subpoena or search warrant is required to release information to law enforcement. Requests and subpoenas should be referred to the CCRLS Executive Director.

Patron Behavior in the Library

Welcome! The Library is a community space that exists to facilitate literacy, lifelong learning, Internet access, and community participation. The Library works best when all users are mindful of the following:

While using the library, please:
• Demonstrate reasonable conduct consistent with the purpose of the Library. No loud, disorderly, threatening or harassing conduct. 
• Cooperate with library staff. Persons interfering with the normal use of the library will be asked to leave.
• No obscene, abusive or vulgar language toward other patrons, staff or volunteers. 
• Maintain possession of personal belongings at all times. Unattended bags, parcels and backpacks will be held for Lost and Found at City Hall, and if not claimed in a reasonable amount of time, will be turned over to the Yamhill County Sheriff’s Office.

Please be advised:
• Misuse or defacing of library materials, equipment or facilities is illegal.
• Solicitation or sale of products or services on our premises is prohibited.
• Only service animals are permitted in the Library. 
• Please feel free to enjoy beverages with lids while visiting the library.
• State law prohibits smoking/vaping in public facilities or within 10 feet of entrances.
• Possession or use of illegal drugs and/or alcohol is prohibited on City property.
• Patrons that appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be asked to leave. 
The Library reserves the right to refuse service to patrons that have been asked repeatedly to leave, who cause disturbances in the library requiring the attention of library staff or volunteers, who intimidate or harass our staff or volunteers, or who are unwilling or unable to comply with our policies. 

Children in the Library

The Mary Gilkey Public Library is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment that encourages children to visit the Library. The Library is a public building, open to everyone and a child's safety cannot be guaranteed. Children may encounter hazards in the Library such as doors, furniture, electrical equipment and other Library patrons.

The Library is not responsible for a minor's selection of Library materials, attendance at programs or use of the Internet or other services. Parents, guardians, or responsible adults are expected to accompany their minor children in the use of Library materials and services, including computer use.

The responsibility for the behavior and well-being of children using the Library rests with the parent, guardian, or designated caregiver. Library staff members cannot supervise children in the Library. The Library does not serve in loco parentis.

Children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or designated responsible caregiver (16 years of age or older) at all times while in the Library. Caregivers must supervise and provide guidance for children during the entire Library visit.

Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 163.545: Child neglect in the second degree. (1) A person having custody or control of a child under 10 years of age commits the crime of child neglect in the second degree if, with criminal negligence, the person leaves the child unattended in or at any place for such period of time as may be likely to endanger the health or welfare of such child. (2) Child neglect in the second degree is a Class A misdemeanor.

In the following situations, Library staff will take the actions outlined below for all children zero (0) to seventeen (17) years of age:

  • A child is alone and frightened or crying in the Library
  • A child is alone and doing something dangerous, or another person in the Library seems to be a danger to the child
  • A child is alone and is not following the rules for patron behavior in the Library
  • No caregiver comes to pick a child up at closing time

Library or City staff members will evaluate the situation and try to contact the child's parent or guardian. If staff cannot reach the parent or guardian, he or she will place the child in the care of the Yamhill County Sheriff's Office.

Responsabilidad del usuario

Al convertirse en titular de una tarjeta de biblioteca, el usuario se compromete a cumplir con las políticas de cada biblioteca miembro de CCRLS y acepta las siguientes responsabilidades:

  • Los materiales de la biblioteca prestados son responsabilidad exclusiva del usuario cuya tarjeta se utilizó para el préstamo.
  • El usuario acepta devolver todos los artículos prestados antes de la fecha de vencimiento o pagar los cargos vencidos (si corresponde).
  • El usuario pagará los costos de reemplazo evaluados por artículos perdidos, no devueltos o dañados.
  • El cliente no prestará su tarjeta a otros.
  • El usuario informará los cambios de dirección, número de teléfono y correo electrónico de manera oportuna.
  • El cliente informará de las tarjetas perdidas o robadas.
  • El usuario obedecerá las reglas de comportamiento cuando visite la biblioteca.
  • Al firmar una tarjeta para un niño menor de 18 años, el usuario acepta la responsabilidad total por las multas (si corresponde) y otros cargos en la tarjeta del niño, artículos perdidos o dañados y acepta la responsabilidad de controlar y aprobar la elección de materiales de la biblioteca del niño. y otros recursos de información.

Privacidad del usuario

Las bibliotecas miembros de CCRLS, CCRLS, Chemeketa Community College y el personal de todas estas organizaciones tienen la responsabilidad conjunta del uso, almacenamiento y destrucción adecuados de la información personal confidencial. Los miembros del personal, incluidos los voluntarios no remunerados, de las instituciones miembros de CCRLS con acceso a los registros de los usuarios son legalmente responsables de proteger la privacidad de nuestros usuarios mediante el uso de la información solo cuando sea necesario para hacer circular el material, con fines reales de salud o seguridad, o para ayudar a los usuarios. . Se requiere una citación u orden de allanamiento para divulgar información a las fuerzas del orden. Las solicitudes y citaciones deben remitirse al Director Ejecutivo de CCRLS.

Comportamiento de los usuarios en la biblioteca

¡Bienvenidos! La Biblioteca es un espacio comunitario que existe para facilitar la alfabetización, el aprendizaje permanente, el acceso a Internet y la participación comunitaria. La biblioteca funciona mejor cuando todos los usuarios tienen en cuenta lo siguiente:

Mientras usa la biblioteca, por favor:
• Demostrar una conducta razonable consistente con el propósito de la Biblioteca. Ninguna conducta ruidosa, desordenada, amenazante o acosadora.
• Cooperar con el personal de la biblioteca. A las personas que interfieran con el uso normal de la biblioteca se les pedirá que se retiren.
• Ningún lenguaje obsceno, abusivo o vulgar hacia otros patrocinadores, personal o voluntarios.
• Mantener la posesión de pertenencias personales en todo momento. Las bolsas, los paquetes y las mochilas desatendidos se guardarán para objetos perdidos en el ayuntamiento y, si no se reclaman en un tiempo razonable, se entregarán a la oficina del alguacil del condado de Yamhill.

Por favor tenga en cuenta:

• El mal uso o desfiguración de los materiales, equipos o instalaciones de la biblioteca es ilegal.
• Se prohíbe la solicitación o venta de productos o servicios en nuestras instalaciones.
• Solo se permiten animales de servicio en la biblioteca.
• Siéntase libre de disfrutar bebidas con tapas mientras visita la biblioteca.
• La ley estatal prohíbe fumar/vapear en instalaciones públicas o dentro de los 10 pies de las entradas.
• La posesión o uso de drogas ilegales y/o alcohol está prohibido en la propiedad de la Ciudad.
• A los clientes que parezcan estar bajo la influencia de drogas o alcohol se les puede pedir que se retiren.
La Biblioteca se reserva el derecho de rechazar el servicio a los usuarios a los que se les ha pedido repetidamente que se retiren, que causen disturbios en la biblioteca que requieran la atención del personal o los voluntarios de la biblioteca, que intimiden o acosen a nuestro personal o voluntarios, o que no quieran o no puedan cumplir. con nuestras políticas.

Niños en la biblioteca

La Biblioteca Pública Mary Gilkey está dedicada a brindar un ambiente acogedor que anime a los niños a visitar la Biblioteca. La Biblioteca es un edificio público, abierto a todos y no se puede garantizar la seguridad de los niños. Los niños pueden encontrar peligros en la biblioteca, como puertas, muebles, equipos eléctricos y otros usuarios de la biblioteca.

La Biblioteca no es responsable de la selección de materiales de la Biblioteca, la asistencia a los programas o el uso de Internet u otros servicios por parte de un menor. Se espera que los padres, tutores o adultos responsables acompañen a sus hijos menores en el uso de los materiales y servicios de la Biblioteca, incluido el uso de computadoras.

La responsabilidad por el comportamiento y el bienestar de los niños que usan la biblioteca recae en el padre, tutor o cuidador designado. Los miembros del personal de la biblioteca no pueden supervisar a los niños en la biblioteca. La Biblioteca no sirve in loco parentis.

Los niños menores de 10 años deben estar acompañados por un padre, tutor o cuidador responsable designado (16 años o más) en todo momento mientras estén en la biblioteca. Los cuidadores deben supervisar y brindar orientación a los niños durante toda la visita a la biblioteca.

Estatutos Revisados de Oregón (ORS) 163.545: Negligencia infantil en segundo grado. (1) Una persona que tiene la custodia o el control de un niño menor de 10 años comete el delito de negligencia infantil en segundo grado si, con negligencia criminal, la persona deja al niño desatendido en o en cualquier lugar durante el período de tiempo que pueda poner en peligro la salud o el bienestar de dicho niño. (2) La negligencia infantil en segundo grado es un delito menor de Clase A.

En las siguientes situaciones, el personal de la biblioteca tomará las medidas que se describen a continuación para todos los niños de cero (0) a diecisiete (17) años de edad:

  • Un niño está solo y asustado o llorando en la biblioteca
  • Un niño está solo y está haciendo algo peligroso, u otra persona en la biblioteca parece ser un peligro para el niño.
  • Un niño está solo y no está siguiendo las reglas de comportamiento de los usuarios en la biblioteca.
  • Ningún cuidador viene a recoger a un niño a la hora de cierre

Los miembros del personal de la biblioteca o de la ciudad evaluarán la situación e intentarán comunicarse con el padre o tutor del niño. Si el personal no puede comunicarse con el padre o tutor, él o ella pondrá al niño al cuidado de la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Yamhill.

Library Card Types

Three types of cards are available: a full-service card, a basic or limited-use card for adults, and a C.A.R.E or limited-use card for kids.

Full-service card

With a full-service card you can:

  • Check out 50 items at one time.
  • Place holds on items
  • Access databases for research from the library, home, or office
  • Learn a new language
  • Use a computer at the library
  • Access CCRLS-provided electronic resources and databases
  • Access eBooks
  • Use your card at all public libraries within the CCRLS area, including Chemeketa Community College

There are three ways to get a full-service card:

  1. Dayton Resident: If you live or own property within the city limits of Dayton, you pay for library service as a part of your property tax bill and there is no fee. 
  2. Non-Resident: If you live outside the city limits of Dayton, but within the CCRLS area (Yamhill, Polk, and Marion counties) and wish to receive a full-service card, you can purchase a library card for $60 per household per year. This entitles each member of the household to receive a full-service library card for one year.
  3. Out-of-District Resident: If you live both outside the City of Dayton and the CCRLS area, you can purchase a full-service library card for $85 per year per household. This entitles each member of the household to receive a full-service library card for one year.

Basic Adult card

Adults living outside the city limits of Dayton, but within the CCRLS area (Yamhill, Polk, and Marion counties) who choose not to pay the annual fee will be provided with a basic card for each household member. The basic card allows the cardholder to:

  • Check out 10 items from any CCRLS library at a time.
  • Place 10 holds at a time.
  • Remotely access many of our online resources.

C.A.R.E Kids card

Children living outside the city limits of Dayton, but within the CCRLS area (Yamhill, Polk, and Marion counties) and who are ages 18 and younger are offered a card through the C.A.R.E. (Create A Reader Everyday) program established by CCRLS. Create A Reader Everyday card holders can check out up to 25 items from the children’s and young adult collections and can reserve up to 25 items.

Loan Periods

Materials available for circulation can be checked out for the following periods:

  • 7 days – all videos
  • 21 days – all books, audio books, and CDs


CCRLS now automatically renews loans on borrowed items! If you're signed up to receive email notices, you'll be informed about which items were renewed, and reminded to return anything that could not be renewed. Borrowed materials may be renewed twice unless there is a hold on the item for another patron. An item that has a hold on it may not be renewed.

Items can be renewed:

  • In person during our hours of operation
  • By phone - call the 24 hour phone renewal number at 503-589-7740
  • Access your patron account online or via the CCRLS app anytime


Borrowed materials can be returned at the circulation desk or at the appropriate location at any other CCRLS library, however, games, puzzles, and electronic devices borrowed from our library must be returned to our library. 


Mary Gilkey Public Library does not charge overdue fines for our materials, however, you could still receive overdue fines from other libraries if you borrow their items. Please enjoy our resources and then return them by their due date.

You will be notified about overdue items on the 7th and 24th day that they are past due. If an item is 53 days overdue, then the library will charge the patron’s library account for the cost of the item, a $5.00 processing fee, and send the patron a bill. Failure to pay account balances in a timely manner may subject a user’s account to assignment to a collection agency.

Fines on interlibrary loans (ILL) are determined by the lending library. There is no grace period.

Patrons accumulating fines/fees exceeding $25.00 will lose their borrowing privileges until the balance is paid down under $25.00 or paid off completely.

Lost or Damaged Items

The cost for replacing lost or damaged items varies and will be determined by the replacement cost of the item or by the Library Director. If an item is lost or damaged, please notify the library as soon as possible.

If you lose an item that belongs to another CCRLS member library and wish to discuss the replacement amount, please contact that library directly. Every library is responsible for their own collections, and every library is free to charge what it will cost them to replace the lost item, along with a $5.00 processing fee for each lost/replaced item. 

Períodos de préstamo

Los materiales disponibles para circulación pueden ser prestados para los siguientes períodos:

  • 7 días – todos los videos
  • 21 días: todos los libros, audiolibros y CD


¡CCRLS ahora renueva automáticamente los préstamos sobre artículos prestados! Si está registrado para recibir avisos por correo electrónico, se le informará qué artículos se renovaron y se le recordará que devuelva todo lo que no se haya podido renovar. Los materiales prestados pueden renovarse dos veces a menos que haya una retención del artículo para otro usuario. No se puede renovar un artículo que tiene una reserva.

Los artículos se pueden renovar:

  • En persona durante nuestro horario de atención
  • Por teléfono: llame al número de renovación telefónica las 24 horas al 503-589-7740
  • Acceda a su cuenta de usuario en línea o a través de la aplicación CCRLS en cualquier momento


Los materiales prestados pueden devolverse en el mostrador de circulación o en el lugar apropiado en cualquier otra biblioteca de CCRLS, sin embargo, los juegos, rompecabezas y dispositivos electrónicos prestados de nuestra biblioteca deben devolverse a nuestra biblioteca.


La Biblioteca Pública Mary Gilkey no cobra multas por atraso por nuestros materiales, sin embargo, aún podría recibir multas por atraso de otras bibliotecas si toma prestados sus artículos. Disfrute de nuestros recursos y luego devuélvalos antes de la fecha de vencimiento.

Se le notificará sobre los artículos vencidos el día 7 y el día 24 de su vencimiento. Si un artículo tiene 53 días de retraso, entonces la biblioteca cobrará a la cuenta de la biblioteca del usuario el costo del artículo, una tarifa de procesamiento de $5.00 y le enviará una factura al usuario. La falta de pago de los saldos de la cuenta de manera oportuna puede hacer que la cuenta de un usuario sea asignada a una agencia de cobro.

Las multas por préstamos interbibliotecarios (ILL) las determina la biblioteca prestadora. No hay período de gracia.

Los usuarios que acumulen multas/honorarios que superen los $25,00 perderán sus privilegios de préstamo hasta que el saldo se pague por debajo de $25,00 o se pague por completo.

Artículos perdidos o dañados

El costo de reemplazar artículos perdidos o dañados varía y será determinado por el costo de reemplazo del artículo o por el Director de la Biblioteca. Si un artículo se pierde o se daña, notifique a la biblioteca lo antes posible.

Si pierde un artículo que pertenece a otra biblioteca miembro de CCRLS y desea discutir el monto de reemplazo, comuníquese directamente con esa biblioteca. Cada biblioteca es responsable de sus propias colecciones, y cada biblioteca tiene la libertad de cobrar lo que les costará reemplazar el artículo perdido, junto con una tarifa de procesamiento de $5.00 por cada artículo perdido/reemplazado.

Internet Use

The library strives to serve people of all ages at all levels of need and endorses the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read documents as they apply to the use of electronic information. We endorse the American Library Association's document Access to Electronic Information, Services and Networks: an Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights. 

Inappropriate use of the internet will result in a cancellation of access for a period of seven to thirty days.
Examples of inappropriate use include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Harassment of other users;
  • Viewing sexually explicit sites;
  • Libeling or slandering other users;
  • Violation of another user’s privacy;
  • Destruction of or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the library or other users;
  • Disruption or unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications;
  • Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material;
  • Unauthorized use of computer accounts, access codes, or network id numbers assigned to others;
  • Use of sounds and visuals which might be disruptive to others; Misrepresentation of age or identity.

Illegal acts involving library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities. 

We firmly believe that the valuable information available on this worldwide network far outweighs the possibility that users may come across material that may be offensive to them. The library does not monitor, has no control over the information accessed through the internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The library may place software or other automated devices (such as filters) on workstations placed in departments specifically devoted to serving youth. These devices, while designed to eliminate material of a sexual nature from appearing on screens, do not remove everything which some might find objectionable. Parents are encouraged to monitor and supervise their children’s use of the internet. 

Wireless Internet

The Library has wireless access to the Internet for users with laptops, notebook computers, smart phones, and other mobile devices to enhance and expand access to this important tool in the Library. Users with a wireless capability can use the Library's wireless access to use the Internet.

Wireless users are expected to follow the Library's Internet Use policy, and violations of the policy will result in the loss of library privileges. All users are expected to use the Library's wireless access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided. The Library does not monitor the use of the Internet by laptop users. Parents need to be aware that wireless access is unfiltered and unrestricted.

The Library's wireless connection is not secure, and information transmitted could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user. Wireless users may choose not to transmit personal information (credit card numbers, passwords, etc.) while using any public wireless area. Please take appropriate precautions when using this service.

Staff can provide general information on connecting to the Internet, with the understanding that the Library and staff members are not responsible for computer equipment, software malfunctions or lost data. The library’s staff will assist patrons with internet use as time permits but cannot provide personal instruction. All wireless access users are encouraged to have up-to-date virus protection on their laptop computers or wireless devices. The Library is not responsible for any information that is compromised, or for any damage caused to hardware or software, such as electric surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or computer hacking.

Collection Development Policy

Mary Gilkey Public Library’s collection development policy reflects the mission of public libraries to provide access to information and support diversity, democracy and intellectual freedom.

It is the goal of the library to provide free, equal, and equitable access to a high quality collection of information resources in a variety of formats, reflective of the diversity of the community. Materials available in the library present a diversity of viewpoints, enabling the community to make the informed choices necessary in a democracy. In support of preserving and encouraging the essential free expression of ideas, Mary Gilkey Public Library endorses the principles documented in the Library Bill of Rights the Freedom to Read Statement, and the Freedom to View Statement of the American Library Association.

Responsibility for selection and collection maintenance

Selection and collection maintenance of library materials is under the authority and at the discretion of the Library Director.

Selection criteria

All materials, whether purchased or donated, are considered in terms of the criteria listed below. An item need not meet all of these standards in order to be added to the collection.

  • Popular interest
  • Contemporary significance
  • Currency of information
  • Accuracy
  • Local emphasis
  • Readability
  • Creative, literary, or technical quality;
  • Relationship to other materials and adequacy of coverage in subject area
  • Significance of item within subject area
  • Professional reviews from a variety of sources
  • Format and ease of use
  • Cost and availability
  • Availability of copies at other CCRLS libraries
  • Physical appearance and condition
  • Space limitations

Scope of the collection

The Mary Gilkey Public Library is a popular materials library, and maintains a varied and current collection covering a wide range of subjects and containing multiple points of view. The library's collection is dynamic, with an emphasis on up-to-date and in-demand materials. The library provides information resources in physical and electronic formats in an effort to deliver the broadest possible access to content both within and beyond the library’s walls.

The majority of the library's collection development activities will be conducted to create a collection of popular and informational works that is evaluated continually. The collection embraces broad fields of knowledge with basic, representative works in many subject areas, emphasizing materials that are useful for the general public. Textbooks and materials of a highly technical or specialized nature of limited community interest will generally not be collected.

Access to other specialized and comprehensive collections that exist elsewhere in the Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service (CCRLS) or in the state of Oregon is provided through cooperative networking, interlibrary loan, and direct referral.

Suggestions for purchase

The library encourages input from its community concerning the collection. A suggestion for purchase form enables the Dayton community to request that a particular item or material on a certain subject be purchased by the library. All suggestions for purchase are subject to the same selection criteria as other materials and are not automatically added to the collection. It is the library’s intent that suggestions for purchase be used to help the library in developing collections which serve the interests and needs of the community.

Material and fund donations

The library is unable to accept donated items at this time. Please consider donating to another CCRLS member library, a retirement home, or neighborhood Little Free Library.

Collection maintenance

In an effort to maintain a relevant, popular, and appealing collection, the library engages in ongoing evaluation of owned materials. This policy’s selection criteria, the CREW method, and other best practices are used when evaluating collections.

Disposition of withdrawn materials

Items withdrawn from the collection that are in acceptable condition will be donated at the discretion of the Library Director. Items in poor condition will be destroyed and recycled as possible. 


Replacement of damaged, missing, and withdrawn materials is not automatic. The decision to replace is determined by the selection criteria listed in this policy.

Request for reconsideration

Members of the Dayton community that are concerned about the appropriateness of a particular item in the library's collection will be referred to Librarian and fill out a Request for Reconsideration form. The Library Director and City Manager will review the request and apply the selection criteria set forth in this policy to determine if the item should be removed or re-categorized. Their decision on reconsideration is the City of Dayton's final decision. The item under review will not be removed from circulation during the review process. Reasonable efforts will be made by the library to respond in writing regarding the disposition of the Request for Reconsideration within 60 days of receipt of the completed Request for Reconsideration form.

The Mary Gilkey Public Library is committed to providing a broad and diverse collection, and its collection development activities are guided by the above principles and criteria. This policy expresses the library’s commitment to intellectual freedom. Library resources are for use by all members of the Dayton community, and the library strives to reflect the needs and diversity of that community in its collections.

Everyone is Welcome

The leaders of the member libraries comprising Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Services (CCRLS) are committed to anti-racism.

Our libraries welcome everyone. As library leaders, we particularly condemn the systemic racism which adversely affects the lives of Black, Indigenous , and People of Color. Such prejudice is antithetical to the institutional values of our libraries. We are committed to fighting racism wherever we find it in ourselves and our communities. In doing so we reaffirm that our libraries are:

  • places of learning and gathering for the entire community
  • safe places to explore and celebrate our differences and similarities
  • supporters of intellectual freedom and the right of assembly. 

We acknowledge that no institution is free of bias, and that it is our responsibility to look deeply at our own libraries and actively strive towards justice for all who live in our communities. We stand with ALA and our library colleagues across the country in condemning violence and racism.

To encourage awareness in ourselves and in our communities, the CCRLS member libraries encourage exploration of anti-racism activism, police violence in the United States, and related topics by starting with our online catalog of books and electronic resources

Todos son bienvenidos

Los líderes de las bibliotecas miembros que componen Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Services (CCRLS) están comprometidos con el antirracismo.

Nuestras bibliotecas dan la bienvenida a todos. Como líderes bibliotecarios, condenamos particularmente el racismo sistémico que afecta negativamente las vidas de los negros, indígenas y personas de color. Tal prejuicio es antitético a los valores institucionales de nuestras bibliotecas. Estamos comprometidos a luchar contra el racismo dondequiera que lo encontremos en nosotros mismos y en nuestras comunidades. Al hacerlo, reafirmamos que nuestras bibliotecas son:

  • lugares de aprendizaje y reunión para toda la comunidad
  • lugares seguros para explorar y celebrar nuestras diferencias y similitudes
  • partidarios de la libertad intelectual y el derecho de reunión.

Reconocemos que ninguna institución está libre de prejuicios y que es nuestra responsabilidad mirar profundamente en nuestras propias bibliotecas y luchar activamente por la justicia para todos los que viven en nuestras comunidades. Apoyamos a ALA y a nuestros colegas bibliotecarios de todo el país para condenar la violencia y el racismo.

Para fomentar la conciencia en nosotros mismos y en nuestras comunidades, las bibliotecas miembros de CCRLS fomentan la exploración del activismo contra el racismo, la violencia policial en los Estados Unidos y temas relacionados comenzando con nuestro catálogo en línea de libros y recursos electrónicos.

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