Building, Planning, and Land Use
Planning Questions? We would like to provide you the most accurate information possible, so please provide a narrative description of your project, including as much detail as possible. Please note - we are not able to access property records via parcel numbers. We are able to use Yamhill County map/tax lot numbers, GPS coordinates, and URLs to listings to look up properties. There is a link to a map and tax lot numbers map linked below under "City Maps." Thank you.
What planning information are you interested in?

Your name
Property address or approximate location
Map and Tax Lot Number Please note - we are not able to access property records via parcel numbers. There is a link to a map and tax lot numbers map linked below under "City Maps."
Zoning of Property if known

Thank you for contacting us with you questions. Please note, as we contract the City's Planning and Engineering services with off site staff, responses may take one week or longer.
Building Questions? Please provide as much information as possible about your project. Thank you.
What building information are you interested in?

Your name
Confirm Email:
Property address

Thank you for contacting us with you questions. Please note, as we contract the City's Planning and Engineering services with off site staff, responses may take one week or longer.
Press ENTER key to focus on the active panel

Please note that the city cannot scan or duplicate paper copies that are larger than 11"x17." We are happy to accept maps and drawings electronically at  Thank you.