The City of Dayton is updating its Comprehensive Plan to ensure that the City is planning for the right mix of housing types to meet the needs of current and future City residents for the next 20 years. The last update to the Comprehensive Plan took place in 2008 and is based on outdated information that does not provide reliable information about the City’s current and future housing needs. This update will ensure that the City’s housing policy is up to date and the City has reliable information to inform housing-related decisions for the next 20-year planning period. This is especially important for the future development of the ±106 acres of residential land that was added to the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) as part of the 2021 UGB land exchange. The update will ensure that policies are in place to support the annexation of this area into the city limits and to inform decisions on future development within this area.
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Interim City Manager, City of Dayton
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