• The City of Dayton is updating its Comprehensive Plan to ensure that the City is planning for the right mix of housing types to meet the needs of current and future City residents for the next 20 years. The last update to the Comprehensive Plan took place in 2008 and is based on outdated information that does not provide reliable information about the City’s current and future housing needs. This update will ensure that the City’s housing policy is up to date and the City has reliable information to inform housing-related decisions for the next 20-year planning period. This is especially important for the future development of the ±106 acres of residential land that was added to the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) as part of the 2021 UGB land exchange. The update will ensure that policies are in place to support the annexation of this area into the city limits and to inform decisions on future development within this area.

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Project Timeline
Date Activity
April 29, 2024 PAC Meeting #1
June 26, 2024 Stakeholder Meeting #1
August 13, 2024
Reunión en Español para Miembros de la Comunidad
October 2, 2024 PAC Meeting #2
October 23, 2024 Community Open House


Project Advisory Committee Members
Melissa Ahrens Regional Representative, Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLDC)
Darrick Price Chief Executive Officer,
Green Spark Homes  
Dave Rucklos
Economic Development Director, City of Dayton
Denny Muchmore City Engineer, 
City of Dayton
John Collins
City of Dayton
Steve Scott Vice President,
McMinnville Properties
Rob Hallyburton
Dayton Planning Commission
Jim Maguire City Councilor,
Dayton City Council
Teresa Smith Community Home Builders
Cyndi Park

Interim City Manager, City of Dayton

Public Comments / Comentarios públicos

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Mailing Address / Dirección de envio:
Email / Correo electrónico:
Comments or Concerns / Comentarios o inquietudes Please let us know if you have any comments or concerns about this project or the process. / Háganos saber si tiene algún comentario o inquietud sobre este proyecto o el proceso.
Would you like to be contacted? / ¿Le gustaría ser contactado? Would you like a member of our staff to contact you about the comments or concerns you submit via this form? / ¿Le gustaría que un miembro de nuestro personal se comunicara con usted acerca de los comentarios o inquietudes que envíe a través de este formulario?

Thank you for your participation in this project. / Gracias por su participación en este proyecto.