Palmer Creek Lodge Community Center
Rules for Use
A. Applications can be obtained from the City of Dayton located at 416 Ferry St, Dayton OR.
B. Applications MUST be submitted in person.
C. Applicants must be 21 years of age or older.
D. Applicant must provide Federal or State approved picture identification.
E. An application will be considered confirmed and final only when signed by an authorized City of Dayton staff member, is submitted with a signed and initialed Facility Use and Rental Agreement, all fees and deposits are paid in full, and accompanied by all required documentation.
F. The Community Center use permit is not transferable.
G. Application, fees, deposits, and required documents are due three (3) business days prior to your event date. Applications that do not comply with this deadline are subject to cancellation.
H. The persons who sign the facility use permit are responsible for assuring compliance of these policies and for payment of all fees, charges, and deposits concerning the rental.
I. The Qualifying Applicant (1st Persons in Charge) listed on the Use Permit Application. To reduce the possibility of confusion, all correspondence will be sent to the address listed on the facility use permit and all communication between the City of Dayton and the applicant will be through the "1ST person in charge" on the use permit application.
J. The Qualifying Applicant (1st Person in Charge) is also asked to name a 2nd Person in Charge. This person should be someone who can represent the 1st Person in Charge should he or she not be available.
K. Either the Qualifying Applicant (1st Person in Charge) or the 2nd Person in Charge must be present at all times during the rental. If both of these persons are not present anytime during the event set up, clean up or event operation, the event is subject to immediate closure.
Refunds and Cancellations
a. Please notify the City of Dayton as soon as possible of any changes in facility use, especially a cancellation.
b. In the case of cancellations, hourly rental fees and deposits are refundable. However the reservation fee is non-refundable.
c. Inclement weather may cause late opening, early closure and/or cancellation of class, activity, and rental. If facility is closed due to inclement weather, all rentals will be cancelled.
d. The City of Dayton reserves the right to terminate any Community Center Use Permit at any time with or without cause.
e. The City of Dayton reserves the right to pre-empt any scheduled use for official City business.
f. The City of Dayton reserves the right to make further stipulations for use prior to issuing a Use Permit.
g. Termination of facility use due to unruly behavior or participant's conduct violates any local or state laws, facility rules or regulations, or if any City codes, will cause all fees and deposits to be forfeit.
Revoked or Denied Use:
Attendance Please be as accurate as possible when you estimate attendance for your event. The number of people allowed into the facility will be limited to the number you indicated on your application. City Staff, Security or Yamhill County Sheriffs Deputies may deny access to the facility if the number of people in attendance exceed the original estimate and/or capacity limits.
One Chaperone will be required for every fifteen (15) youths under the age of 18. Chaperones must be at least 21 years of age. A list of Chaperones may be requested before the event.
Facility Key Applicant is responsible to pick up facility key during City Hall business hours on the last business day prior to the event and to return the key in the drop slot in front of City Hall immediately after event.
Any lost or late key return will result in the Key Deposit being forfeited.
Pre-Rental Walk-through/Tour The last business day before your event, a walk-through inspection of the Community Center with a City of Dayton staff member will be scheduled. You will be given instructions on opening and closing the facility, along with other important rental information. The walk-through is required and must be attended by at least one of the "persons in charge" listed on the Use Permit Application.
Insurance Certificate Requirement In order to protect both the renter and the City of Dayton, a certificate of insurance is required at events where there will be 35 or more people in attendance and/or whenever alcohol is being served or sold. A certificate of insurance can be secured from most home owners insurance policies at no extra charge.
The insurance Certificate MUST have the following information: 1. Insurance policy should be for no less than $500,000.00. 2. The City of Dayton, 416 Ferry Street, Dayton, OR 97114, must be listed as an additional insured. 3. The policy must state that the event will be held at the Palmer Creek Lodge - Dayton Community Center located at 606 4th Street, Dayton OR 97114. 4. Date of event must be listed on the certificate. 5. For more information regarding insurance certificates or to get a quote:
Rental Agreement Time Facility rental time is for the days and times approved on the rental application and use permit. Remember to include set-up and clean-up time in your rental agreement times.
Use of the facility outside the rental agreement days or times will cause the security deposit to be forfeit and/or additional fees to be assessed.
Safety Exits shall not be obstructed in any manner and shall remain free of any material or matter where its presence would obstruct or render the exit hazardous. This means do not block doors with chairs, tables, decorations, etc., so they cannot be used as an exit in the event of a fire.
The building should NOT AT ANY TIME be left unlocked and/or unattended.
Under no circumstances may tables or chairs be removed from the interior of the building.
Climbing on chairs or any other piece of furniture is prohibited.
The City accepts no responsibility for the safety of foods prepared or stored on site.
The Community Center is located in a residential neighborhood. We ask renters to respect the neighborhood and to act accordingly.
The Community Center has a parking area that should be utilized. In the case where on street parking is needed, we ask that you be respective of private property and do not block or park in resident's driveways.
The sale and use of tools, equipment, or other items that could damage tables or floors in the building is prohibited (examples: heavy items, used or new items that contain grease or oil, caustic chemicals).
Weapons are prohibited inside and outside of the Community Center building and campus, including but not limited to, knives, hand guns, rifles, shotguns, pellet guns and bb guns, this includes the use and/or sale of such items.
Security All City and County ordinances and Oregon State Laws govern the Dayton Community Center use, building, campus, rooms and occupants.
City Staff, Security or City, County or State law enforcement officers shall have the right to attend any function for the purpose of inspections, complaint investigation, etc., and have the right to terminate use of these facilities during any function should the participant’s conduct violate any local or state laws, regulations or codes (including noise) and/or they feel that the rental may become unruly. In such instances, all fees and deposits will be forfeited.
Applicant agrees to acknowledge rules and regulations by signing the appropriate form at the time of application.
Decorations All decorations must be removed before leaving the building.
All decorations must be flame retarding and comply with Fire Marshal regulations.
Decorations MAY NOT BE ATTACHED to the walls, doors, door frames, windows, ceilings, light fixtures, tables, floors, columns or any other part of the facility.
The use of tape, staples, tacks and/or nails is strictly prohibited inside and outside the Community Center building.
The use of lighted candles is prohibited at all times.
The use of a Christmas trees for decoration is allowed, only artificial trees may be lighted.
Scattering or throwing of bird seed, rice, popcorn, confetti, glitter, small paper articles, silly string or any similar objects used for decoration or any other purpose are prohibited in the Community Center and in the parking areas.
Alcohol Use Alcohol use is permitted inside the Community Center building. Additional deposits and insurance may be required.
Consumption or the use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited outside the Community Center building or on any public premises adjacent to it.
Events where alcohol will be served or sold require an OLCC Licensed Server. The OLCC licensed server must be present at all times during the event and proof of certification and State or Federal issued Id will be required at the time of application.
Only beer, wine, and champagne are allowed to be served or sold within the Community Center building.
Events that allow the use of alcohol without the proper insurance certificate, an OLCC Licensed server and/or payment of the correct deposit amounts will be subject to immediate termination.
Tobacco Use Smoking and/or tobacco use is prohibited in the Community Center building and on public premises adjacent to the building including but not limited to the area surrounding the facility and the parking lot in accordance with Oregon Revised Statues (ORS 433.850).
All sound amplification must end at 10:00 pm. Music and any sound amplification must be kept at levels which do not disturb the reasonable peace and quiet of any citizen.
Doors and windows must remain closed at all times when any sound amplification devices are being used, which includes but is not limited to, live music, PA systems, disc jockeys, radios, stereos, or any other sound amplifying devices.
Please Note: City Staff call out time will be deducted from the security deposit amount for any non-emergency call when the emergency button is pushed in the elevator.
Electricity There are a limited number of electrical outlets in the Community Center Building. Over loading of circuits may cause the electricity to fail. If City of Dayton staff is called out to address the issue a call out fee, per each time a staff member is called out, will be deducted from your deposit amount.
EVENT SET UP Equipment, supplies or other products belonging to private groups may not be stored in the facility or on the grounds prior to the applicant’s function/event.
Equipment and furniture may not be removed from the building. Only those items located within the building will be available for you to use. Should you need additional equipment to conduct your event, you should arrange for such at your own expense.
The City of Dayton does not set up equipment for events.
COMMERCIAL KITCHEN Serving or providing of any type of food or drinks require rental of the commercial kitchen in addition to the room rental.
Please Note: The pilot light on the gas stove is to remain lit at all times. Do not turn off the gas, it is normal to smell a gas odor.
Before leaving please make sure all the sinks, counters, cabinets, refrigerator, freezer, stove, and stainless steel table are wiped down and left clean.
CLOSING PROCEDURES All persons must leave the premises and cleanup must be completed no later than the end of the rental agreement period or 11:00 pm, whichever comes first. If the building is not vacated by the agreed upon time, additional rental fees may be charged and future usage of the facility may be denied. Time exceptions will be reviewed on an individual request basis.
Equipment, supplies or other products belonging to private groups may not be stored in the facility or on the grounds after the applicant’s function/event.
All equipment supplies, foodstuffs, and decorations brought in by rentals must be removed by the renter before leaving the facility. If equipment or other items are left after a rental they will be removed and thrown away. Staff costs in extra clean-up will be deducted from the deposit.
Before leaving the facility please make sure:
I. The building is left as you found it.
II. All windows and doors are closed and locked.
III. All lights are shut off, remember to check bathrooms.
IV. All tables and chairs are wiped down and left out.
V. Garbage is bagged and put in the garbage can outside the First Floor Lobby area which is accessible from both floors by use of the elevator. New garbage bags should be placed in the garbage cans.
VI. All carpeting is vacuumed.
VII. Floors are swept.
VIII. Check that you have not left any items behind.
LIABILITY/DAMAGES The applicant agrees to assume all liability for losses, expenses, damages, demands or claims in connection with or arising out of, any injury or damage sustained or alleged to have been sustained, by any person, corporation, firm or company, or any damage or alleged damage to property in connection with the occupancy, maintenance, or use of all or any part of said premises by the applicant, agent, officers or employees of a business or organization or any individual leasing this facility.
Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Dayton, including the City Council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers from any and all such losses, expenses, damages, demands, and claims; shall defend any suits or actions brought against any of them based on any such alleged injury or damage; and shall pay all damages, costs, and demands, including attorney fees, in connection therewith, or resulting therefrom.
Applicant shall be responsible for any work (damage, cleanup, repair or otherwise) that must be completed to restore the premises to a rentable condition.
Repairs, cleaning and each employee call out shall be charged at the prevailing city wage rate. These fees shall be deducted from the deposit and if any additional charges above the deposit are incurred, the applicant will be billed and will have fourteen (14) days to make the payment or legal action may be brought to secure the balance due.
Failure to comply with all the rules, regulations and requirements for use of the Community Center will cause immediate termination of your event and forfeit of all deposit amounts paid.
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