The Community Center can be rented 7 days per week from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm. The entire facility can be rented or the first and second floors can be rented separately with or without the commercial kitchen. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE COMMUNITY CENTER AVAILABILTY CALENDAR.
Reservation Fee: The City of Dayton requires a $50.00 non-refundable reservation fee to be paid and a use permit, application & reservation form to be filled out and submitted in person to hold a rental date. Calendar dates will not be reserved until the reservation form and fee are submitted. The $50.00 reservation fee amount is applied toward the rental fee.
Use Permit, Application & Reservation Form, Facility Use & Rental Agreement, rental fees, deposits, and additional required documents must be submitted to the City of Dayton at least three days prior to the rental date.
Security Deposit: A $150.00 security deposit is required when renting the first floor meeting room, kitchen or auditorium. A $300.00 security deposit is required when renting the entire facility. Deposit amount doubles when alcohol is being served. Security deposits are due at the time of application and are refundable.
Key Deposit: A facility key maybe issued and a $50.00 key deposit will be due at the time in which the key is issued. The key deposit is refundable upon return of the key.
Insurance/Licensed Server Requirements:
Events with less than 35 people require proof of Home Owners insurance.
Events with 35 or more people require an additional insurance certificate, naming the City of Dayton as an additional insured. Insurance certificates are due at the time of application.
Events where alcohol will be served or sold require an insurance certificate, naming the City of Dayton as an additional insured. An OLCC licensed server is also required with proof of license.
Identification Requirements: To rent the Dayton Community Center, renters must be at least 21 years of age and must show valid State or Federal approved identification.
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